Gareth Llewellyn - Jul 31, 2018

A day in the life of a Recruitment Consultant

So you have got this far and you know we recruit within the Food & Drink Manufacturing Sector, but the story doesn’t end there… We are often asked about what recruiters do day-to-day, so we asked Cassie Henderson to explain what a typical day in the life of a recruitment consultant looks like.

Working for D R Newitt for the past four and a half years, Cassi focuses on the Technical sector within the business. This includes candidates from Quality Management, Specifications, Technical Managers and Directors. Recruitment is one of the most challenging jobs out there, but also the most rewarding. At D R Newitt, we are dedicated to finding the right people for the right job day in, day out.

We are currently on the lookout for new consultants, so if you have ever fancied a career in recruitment, carry on reading below to find out more.

A Day in the life

Cassi explained she starts thinking about recruitment way before she hits the office, but let us start things off from 8:30 when she arrives and is raring to go! Over to Cassi to talk us through her day:

8:30 – I like to check my emails on the train into work, as this frees me to carry out any urgent administrative duties that need my immediate attention as soon as I arrive into the office. My first tasks of the day include coordinating candidate and clients’ diaries and setting up interviews which can be a difficult task.

9:00 – By this time I get straight on the phone to candidates. I ensure I prioritise any candidates that may have contacted me the previous evening. I’m currently recruiting for a Technical Manager and I instantly think of one of my candidates, who I know would be perfect for this particular position. I put her forward for the role and am confident we can confirm an interview for her today.

9:30 – Time to start some research into potential new clients and introduce D R Newitt and our services. As well as researching new clients, I also like to use this time to catch up with our existing Clients. We keep in touch on a regular basis to strengthen our working relationship and also to receive updates on how our previously placed candidates are getting on in their new roles.

10:30 – A Skype interview is arranged today. This is a great chance to interact with one of my candidates and really get to know them as a person. The interview process allows the candidate to convey what kind of work they are looking for, enabling us to create a more personalised and specific character reference.

11:30 – Is it already 11:30? Back on the phone I go to chase my tail since my emails have been piling up during the interview.

12:30 – Lunch! That’s right, on a good day even a Recruitment Consultant gets a lunch break. A quick trip to Nikki’s Sandwich bar is the usual D R Newitt lunchtime routine for me.

13:30 – Returning from lunch it is now clear that I won’t be finishing until after 18:00 due to the work built up from this morning. Now to the best part of the job… calling up a candidate to let them know they have been successful. This is such a great feeling, knowing that my hard work has paid off and both the candidate and client are happy.

15:00 – One of my existing clients is up in Edinburgh for the week enjoying the festivals so we decided this was a good opportunity to catch up. They are a family-owned company for a large food processor who I’ve worked with for a while and are based in the south which is the area I deal with. I treated them to a coffee while we discussed upcoming recruitment opportunities and their experience of the Edinburgh so far.

16:00 – Time to catch up with another one of my brilliant candidates. I have a great rapport with my candidates and really value the time to catch up like this on a more personal level.

17:00 – After a frantic day I try to use the last hour returning any calls I may have missed throughout the day, unfortunately, there are never enough hours in the day for a recruitment consultant.

18:15 –Phew! I’ve just about caught up. Heading home after another great day in the office is a top feeling. Today, like most days has completely flown by!


Final Words From Cassie

As a recruiter, you have the ability to make or break somebody’s chances of landing their dream job and changing their life. It’s a big responsibility if you think about and it is not something I take lightly.

Recruitment is fast-paced, demanding and extremely challenging but, in the end very rewarding. You certainly get out what you put in and if you work hard the possibilities are endless. Not only are you around like-minded people making genuine friendships, being a consultant, you able to learn great new skills along with building lots of self-confidence.


D R Newitt are looking

If you work in marketing, communications or a sales-based role and would be interested in hearing more about the current opportunities at D R Newitt, feel free to email or click here to find out more.


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